Why are Hearing Aid Fittings Important to Treatment?

side angle image of audiologist fitting hearing aids

When you learn that your hearing needs to be properly supported with hearing aids, you will be told that you have to go for a hearing aid fitting first. It’s in this appointment that you will learn all about the different hearing aid types and what they mean for your hearing future. Before you have your hearing aids fitted, however, you have to have a hearing test with an audiologist to determine the level of hearing loss and the type of hearing loss that you’re dealing with. 

Your audiologist will create molds of your ears before the hearing aids you’ve chosen are ordered and sent into your hearing office. Once your audiologist receives the new hearing aids, they’ll call you and bring you in to have them fitted. This hearing aid fitting appointment is so important as part of your treatment and you should always allow at least an hour for the appointment. Below, we’re going to talk about why hearing aid fittings are so important for your hearing future.

Why Is It Necessary? 

Would you go and get glasses from the store without checking to see if they fit the width of your head? Would you get a retainer without having your teeth molded and checked? Absolutely not! So, it’s not a shock that you would need to have your hearing aids properly fitted before you get them.

Hearing is such a personal thing, and you need to know that your hearing aids are going to fit you properly before you go home with them. You also need to know that you can actually hear with them on and if you can’t, your audiologist will have to make some adjustments for you. This appointment is all about that.

What Happens During the Fitting?

The audiologist will check your ears with an otoscope and make sure that they are clear of any debris before they choose to fit the hearing aids. They’ll also make sure that you’re not going to have any problems with feedback because of the hearing aids that you’ve chosen. You wouldn’t get this without a fitting being performed. 

To know if your hearing aids are the right ones for your ears, you need to know that your ear measure test is completed. This isn’t something that you can do just by popping in and picking up the hearing aids you chose from a catalogue. The audiologist will adjust the hearing aids to your needs, too, programming them properly for you to enhance your hearing.

Once they have been programmed, you’ll learn how to turn them on, open them to change the battery and how to dry them if they get wet. This appointment is so in-depth that it’s not something you can just read off the internet. Your hearing aid fitting is going to pump you with knowledge about your hearing aids to really give you confidence.

What Comes Next?

While your initial appointment is important with your audiologist, it helps to know what comes next for you. Follow-up appointments are a must so that you can be sure that you know how to wear and look after your hearing aids properly.