What are the Benefits of BTE Hearing Aids?

a hearing professional is showing her patient how to use a hearing aid

Wearing a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid involves securing it over the top of your ear and holding it behind your ears. However, a tube links your hearing aid to an earmold that can adjust well in your ear canal. The behind-the-ear hearing aids are suitable for people with nearly any sort of hearing loss.

BTE hearing aids:

  • Are larger compared to other hearing aids
  • Have directional amplifiers
  • Have an outstanding amplification
  • Can come with a rechargeable battery

Read on to gain knowledge on the benefits you will get from a behind-the-ear aid.

Have Various Features

One of the significant advantages of BTE hearing aids is that they have several features that you might not get on other hearing aids. This is mainly due to their large size and customization. They can accommodate more components such as multi settings and directional amplifiers. If you want to add more features, you might consider making your aids bigger since they fit behind your ears.

Good Battery Life

Many audiologists will indeed affirm to you that behind-the-ear hearing aids have the best battery life out of all the other hearing aids. This is simply due to their large size, meaning more room to accommodate more batteries. And, big and many batteries will make your BTE hearing aids last longer before you change the batteries.

Good battery life means you will not have to charge your battery frequently. Furthermore, with good battery life, you will have enhanced amplification hence good sound clarity.

Easy to Maintain and Clean

Because of their size, you will have an easy time wearing and maintaining your hearing aids. Unlike in-the-canal (ITC), BTE hearing aids are not very small, so you will not have trouble opening them up to clean or change the batteries. As a result, you will keep your hearing aids in top condition always. This properly makes BTE hearing aids ideal for people with dexterity.

If you do not know the right way to clean your BTE hearing aids, ask your audiologist, who will show you the correct way. The best part is that these hearing aids need less repairs since they are more durable.

Are Very Comfortable

While you acknowledge that BTE hearing aids are more extensive than all other hearing aids, it does not mean that you will walk around with substantial attention-seeking devices in your ear. BTE aids are compact, and their design makes them very comfortable. All you have to do is place them behind your ear without embedding them fully into your ears. You will feel as if you are wearing a headset, earphone or something comparable rather than a hearing aid. As such, you can easily adjust them because they are not as intrusive as you might think.

Selecting the best hearing aid is a crucial decision, though it can be overwhelming if you do not know where to start searching. Fortunately, you can consult an audiologist who will guide you to make a sound decision. 

BTE hearing aids will help improve your hearing ability. Regardless of having mild or profound hearing, you will definitely find some relief by using the BTE hearing aids.