Addressing Hearing Loss: Don’t ‘Fall’ Behind on Your Hearing Health

young child holding hand to ear

Hearing loss is prevalent among Americans, although some have done nothing about it. Hearing loss makes communication challenging, affecting other aspects of a person’s life. Therefore, making efforts to address is prudent. Having hearing loss doesn’t mean that you should ignore your hearing health. This article will highlight the importance of addressing your hearing loss and practical steps to do so.

Why You Should Not be Complacent About Hearing Loss

According to The National Council on Aging (NCOA), one in six people 20-69 have never used hearing aids. Some also get treatment for their hearing loss after ten years. This is concerning, as hearing loss can become severe with time. Here are some reasons you should seek help if you have this condition.

Quality of Life May Decline

Hearing is an essential function that aids in effective communication, allowing you to interact with your family, loved ones, colleagues and others. On the other hand, hearing loss can make this challenging; you may experience challenges following conversations in public or expressing your thoughts. Over time, hanging out with people will become exhausting, and the temptation to skip social functions becomes strong. This can then trigger a cycle of isolation and depression. Moreover, your anxiety may heighten whenever you can’t avoid going out or meeting new people.

You Risk Getting Other Health Conditions

Recent research has highlighted the connection between hearing loss and heart health. Given that cardiovascular diseases are a prevalent global concern, it’s important to be mindful of this link. Although hearing loss itself doesn’t directly result in cardiovascular issues, the stress and anxiety stemming from communication difficulties can potentially raise blood pressure, posing potential health risks. Similarly, feelings of isolation and depression can contribute to unhealthy behaviors like smoking and excessive drinking, which can reduce oxygen flow to the heart and inner ear, as well as elevate blood pressure, potentially leading to plaque buildup over time.

What are the Best Ways to Address Hearing Loss?

You don’t have to wait until your hearing is completely damaged before seeking a solution. Even with hearing loss, you must still take good care of your ears. Here are some effective ways to address this condition.

Get Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are the most popular solution for hearing loss, and for good reasons. These electronic devices amplify sounds to your brain, allowing you to process sounds around you. You only need to schedule an appointment with your audiologist, who will conduct a series of tests to determine the severity of your hearing loss. Afterward, you will undergo a hearing aid fitting, where they will prescribe the most appropriate device. Although people shy away from hearing aids due to the stigma, you don’t have to. Newer models can be customized and work well as fashion accessories.

Technological advancements give these devices more modern and helpful features to improve your hearing experience. There are even hearing aids for specific situations, so feel free to consider this. For instance, some models have tinnitus-masking features, which are excellent if you are experiencing tinnitus. Likewise, you can get those with noise-canceling features if you work in noisy environments.

This way, nothing interferes with your hearing. Moreover, depending on your preference and hearing loss degree, you can choose in-the-ear (ITE), in-the-canal (ITC) or behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. Talk with your audiologist about your preferences and they will help you choose the right one for you!

Clean Your Ears

Sometimes, you can lose your hearing because of impacted earwax. However, seeing your audiologist before sticking foreign objects into your ears is advisable to remove the buildup. You can expect your audiologist to eliminate wax using suction or a tool with a loop. After this your audiologist can give you tips on keeping your ears clean.

How Can You Cope with Hearing Loss?

<p>Coping with hearing loss involves seeking support from audiologists to explore <a href=””>suitable hearing aids</a> or assistive devices tailored to your needs. Additionally, effective communication strategies, such as using written notes or practicing active listening, can help you navigate social situations with greater confidence and ease. These tips can help you live your best life with hearing loss:</p>

  • Inform your family and friends about your current situation and show them how they can make communication easier.
  • Getting the attention of people before speaking is also a good idea. Likewise, speak in quieter places so you don’t strain yourself to understand what they say.

See Your Audiologist Today!

If you think you are experiencing hearing loss talk with one of our audiologists at Hearing & Ear Care Center. Call us today at (717) 378-4044 or (717) 967-4400 for more information. We can’t wait to hear from you!