While everyone knows they need to see their general practitioner for their annual check-up, the optimist for their annual eye check and the dentist every six months for their dental health, hearing health tends to get neglected. Like the other sense, you use your hearing every single day.

This needs to be taken seriously, as your quality of life could quickly slip if you have hearing issues. So, one thing that every patient needs to do is have their annual hearing health screenings – the hearing tests by your local audiologist! So, here are some reasons why you’ll need to get your hearing tested, especially annually.

If You’re Having Trouble Hearing

Age-related hearing loss happens, but other forms of hearing loss or hearing issues can happen, too, such as tinnitus. Getting your hearing tested is the best way to learn about and manage any hearing problems. It’s important not to ignore these issues, as you never know what could happen. Plus, hearing tests are a part of preventative care, and these hearing loss issues can be addressed before it’s too late. 

Since all of the hearing tests are thorough, you can expect the treatments to be just as effective. Just think about it, the more hearing issues you have, the more it affects your brain and your quality of life. By taking this hearing test, especially annually, you’re slowing down and preventing possible issues.

If You’re Having Pain

Other than ear infections, pain in the ears is something that you or anyone else should not be experiencing. If you are having pain in your ear, this might be an indication that you have some sort of underlying hearing issue. This pain can affect your hearing, but this could also affect other aspects of your health. Make sure to contact your local audiologist, who can help you. Usually, there will be a thorough visual inspection before moving on to the hearing test.

If You’re Having Challenges Listening to the TV or Music

Do you blast up the TV when you’re watching a show? Do you have subtitles on, as this is the only way to truly understand what’s being said? If you constantly turn up the volume on your headphones or have trouble listening to videos or music, it might be time to see a hearing specialist. While it’s normal to turn the volume up, it gets to the point where this not only damages your ears but it could be a sign of hearing loss or an underlying issue.

If Can’t Keep Up with Conversations

It may be time for a hearing test if you are having trouble listening to conversations with friends. It is a common problem that affects one in five adults. Hearing-impaired people usually have problems understanding what others are saying in group settings or at noisy events. These difficulties can be overcome by focusing attention on the speaker, avoiding sudden changes in topic and speaking clearly. Plus, the surrounding noise can be too distracting. Those who struggle with hearing loss and don’t take action will eventually become isolated and depressed, something you should avoid at all costs.