4 Fast Facts About Tinnitus

a woman experiencing slight ear discomfort

When you experience constant ringing in your ears, you might find the situation to be quite isolating and feel as though you are the only one experiencing this. It is, however, more commonly known than you think, so if you want to understand tinnitus a bit more, here are some well-established facts to brush up on your knowledge.

1. 50-million Americans experience tinnitus each year

You might think that you are the only one experiencing ringing in your ears, but in reality, at least 15% of the population have tinnitus. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, this equates to 50-million Americans, each year living with tinnitus. So, it most certainly is not something unusual or weird. It is one of the most common health conditions to live with. 

2. Some people experience musical tinnitus 

It is possible that instead of just hearing a persistent ringing in your ears, that some people actually experience musical tinnitus. This is where the sound resembles a musical tune or song instead, which can be more pleasant than just a constant ringing sound. Everyone is different so it is possible to experience tinnitus in this way. 

3. The word tinnitus originates from Latin 

A lot of words that we use on a daily basis are rooted in Latin. Tinnitus is also one of those words that can be traced back to Latin origins where it literally means ‘to ring or to tinkle’. The word tinnitus derives from the original Latin word tinnire

4. There are two different types of Tinnitus 

Although generally each individual can experience a different sensation with ringing, there are actually two different types of tinnitus that you can experience which are either non-pulsatile tinnitus or pulsatile tinnitus

Non-pulsatile tinnitus: This is where you experience any form of sound, whether it is ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing noise inside your head as opposed to your surrounding environment. It can occur either inside your ear or in your brain. The level and tone of pitch that you experience can also vary in sounds. 

Pulsatile tinnitus: With pulsatile tinnitus you are more likely to experience more of a heartbeat or pulsing sound in your ear as you can feel your heart pumping away. It is usually attributed to the blood vessels in your body which is why the sound may sound different to a typical ringing noise that other people experience.  

When you experience tinnitus it can be useful and interesting to learn as many facts as possible to help you understand more about this topic along with consulting your audiologist. It can also be a great way to help you distinguish fact from fiction so that you are not reading misinformation on the internet.